ADA Monthly Pro - Jordan Pina

ADA Monthly Pro - Jordan Pina

We'd like to introduce everyone to Jordan Pina, the American Darter's Association September Monthly Professional. As part of GLD Product's partnership with the ADA they have put us in touch with Jordan so she could give us a quick look at her involvement in the game.

How did you first get involved in darts?

I first got involved in darts when I played my first tournament and adult/youth league with my dad Jason.

Starting out did you expect to get so involved you'd get featured as the ADA's monthly pro?​ And what led to you getting here?

When I first started out I did not in a million years expect to become an ADA pro, especially being the youngest one. I told a group of friends last year when I started playing open that I was going to become an ADA pro.

Well a year later here I am. After playing four open leagues and shooting my heart out I finally did it.

Do you have any advice for newer players, or players who want to get more involved in darts?

Never give you, keep on pushing your self to do better then what you did the day or the game before. For people that want to get involved in darts I say do it!! You meet so many people and can have so much fun.

Do you have a moment throughout your darting career that really sticks out, a game, a tournament, etc.?

My favorite game was in open league and I started out with a 9-mark and finished with a hat trick. The in between was really rough!

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